Archived Webinars

(800) 755-2265 x 3301
Greg Litster is President of SAFEChecks, a company specializing in fraud prevention. Mr. Litster was a banker for 18 years, holding various senior-level positions before acquiring SAFEChecks from his bank in 1996.
Mr. Litster is Editor of Frank Abagnale’s Fraud Bulletin and has written numerous fraud articles. He has given hundreds of fraud prevention seminars to financial and professional organizations across the US. He has extensive experience as an expert witness, serving on several national and international check fraud and embezzlement cases.
About Us: SAFEChecks, “The Check Fraud Specialists” is America’s leader in check fraud prevention. SAFEChecks offers many styles of high-security business and personal checks, Positive Pay software, secure check writing software, envelopes, toner, and pressure seal equipment. Consulting and expert witness services, fraud seminars, and educational materials are also available.